Encouraging good writing, blind letter, and old book



天將降大任於斯人也 必先 勞其心志 苦其筋骨 餓其體膚
窮乏其身行 拂亂其所爲 是故 動心忍性 增益其所不能

When the heavens try to entrust a person with a big job, He must first make his heart ache, The LORD is gracious and compassionate; he is gracious and compassion It makes the flesh and flesh suffer from hunger.

It’s not just that.

Everything he does is going to be a mess he doesn’t go his way. There is a reason for doing so. He is strong in his strength; he is strong in his strength to Things you couldn’t have done before. To make it better.

– 孟子, Mencius –



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